Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Virus in Mexico - got bacon?

Two days after arrival in Montreal, the news was inundated with stories about the Swine Virus in Mexico. How do I feel about this issue, a Canadian spending lots of time in Bucerias, Mexico?

Mexico is getting a bad rap these days. It started with the violence in border states, which is a real problem, but does not affect us here in Bucerias, Mexico (which is as far from the border as Seattle!). Like everyone, you take safety precautions in everyday situations. Most of this violence is related to drugs...so don't take drugs and you will likely avoid much of these issues. Don't go after Mexican women, you might feel the wrath of a over protective brother trying to preserve the "Virgin Mary" reputation of his sister. Do I feel safe in Bucerias, yes. Safer than any major US city for sure.

The press always take a story, injects fear in it, and presents it to the viewer. "Find out how spaghetti can cause spontaneous combustion in adults...film at 11h00." Let's face it, news is all about fear, so they can sell their ads.

I don't want to catch the Swine Virus. I have been having "weird" cravings for bacon, but don't take me behind the barn and shoot me just yet! If you think about it, there have been close to 150 deaths in Mexico City, but the population is over 18 million! If we go back to the violence in Mexico, according to this blog 5,612 people have died in 2008, executed because of the drug war.

According to CNN, swine flu is more contagious, but I'm still flying back to my family on Thursday. Am I scared? Not really. Might have to have some Tequila to kill disinfect myself, but I'll live.

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