Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Ubuntu - Not to be mistaken with a Nigerian Bank Fraud SPAM

I finally did it. I installed Linux. As you all know, I'm hooked on Podcasts, and listen to most of the Leo Laporte Podcasts, including his KFI The Tech Guy Radio Show. He spoke about this version of Linux that was basically a simplified version, with only the best programs integrated in it.

Ubuntu is a free Linux OS. It is an ancient African word that is translated as "humanity to others" and "I am what I am because of who we all are." The creators wanted to give back to the Internet community a free Linux flavor, with the best of the best included, but also simple to use. They wanted to bring the technology back to a human level...simple.

You can download the ISO (CD Image) from the site, or they will send you a CD by post for free (for a limited time). Installing Ubuntu was a breeze. It rarely asked questions, and when it did, they were simple to figure out. I installed it on a P3 system, to see how Linux would run on a slow system (had XP on there, and that was painful). did it go? Installation was perfect. Right out of the gate, I had working Internet, thanks to Firefox. Setup my email, and again, nice and easy setup. I wanted to see how it would handle a PDF file, and a preview viewer handled the file, letting me see the contents, as I would with Acrobat on XP, but without that long wait as all those Acrobat files load up...

It was getting pretty late, so I had to leave before giving it a real test drive. My first impressions though are very positive, especially if you have an older computer that you still want to be useful.

So, have I advanced to the level of Uber Nerd, now that I have a Linux be it. At least I won't have to deal with Spyware like I did this week-end on my XP machine. Now that's a whole blog onto itself...stay tuned.

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