Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Bill Gates Leaving Microsoft in 2 years

Bill Gates will move to the Gates Foundation full time in 2 years.

Since Microsoft has become some sort of mythical giant, here are my recommendation for a replacement.

Disney's own Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse has had a drop in popularity as of late. How many movies has he starred in lately? His residual checks must not adequitely cover his cheese addiction. Since mice and computers go together, plus it would really piss off Steve Jobs if Mickey left Disney, I think it is a win-win for both Mickey and Microsoft.

Just add the ears to the Microsoft Logo and you can market that baby all day long. Mickey Microsoft T-Shirts, hats, lawn furniture, ice cube trays, and the list goes on...

While they are at it, they can get Goofy also and he can serve up the crash messages. "OOOps, I Goofed up! Reboot."

read more | digg story

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