Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tired on that Teletubbies Windows XP default background?

Those rolling green hills and blue sky...where is Winky, Laa-Laa and the rest of those mutant freaks? Go to and you will find thousands of great pictures ready to be used as a background.

Google Teletubbies and Evil and you will find tons of site dedicated to "mind control" and other theories about those Teletubbies. Now Google Teletubbies and Gay...Tinky Winky and the purse right? Seinfeld tried to start the man bag revolution: "It's European!" But alas, we are forced to carry the wallet, which for many of us (when sitting on a full one) can dislocate our spine. What would we keep in our purse? Here is my list:

Duct Tape (If the woman don't find you least they find you handy.)
Multi Head screwdriver (Again with the fixer upper role)
Flask filled with Vodka (Speaking of Screwdrivers...)
Beef Jerky (Good manly snack)
Swiss Army Knife (make sure you have corkscrew)
Cel Phone (My new E61 with Wifi...sweet)
Monster Truck tickets (Going with the kids)

What would you put in there? Post a comment!

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