Thursday, September 01, 2005

Attack of the (Credit Card) Clones

Well...It seems that Wendy got her Visa Card Cloned. If you thought cloning a sheep was a miracle, getting money out of my full Visa has to rank right up there too!

For once, it pays to have a full credit card.

Some tips to remember:

Keep your card in sight. Check your monthly statements. Keep your PIN to yourself. Some will work in teams, the clerk clones your card and the guy in line behind you looking at your PIN.

Is it time to be paranoid? Maybe.

Do I still buy stuff off the Internet and eBay? Yep.

Now, if you find a way to clone people, let me know. I'd love to have my clone go to work, while I sit with my wife on the beach on the French Riviera, sipping Champagne by the moonlight (Her clone is ironing my shirts back at home...).

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