Saturday, September 24, 2005

Martha Stewart is looking for a new cell mate

Since I'm hooked on the Apprentice, I had to see the other apprentice, Martha Stewart.

What did I notice from the first episode? Apart from the bitchy women, and the Will & Grace style men (Gay per View?), and obvious lack a Black people (Would not match with the furniture, Martha?), was the Zen like boardroom. Oh, lest not we forget to write a letter to the loser, Mr. Hitler Manager. So polite, this Martha.

Now the Donald, he rocks. He's got the hair. He has George & Carolyn. He has the big bucks. The tasks are real. Write a kids book? Come on, get real.

What are the future tasks for the Martha Clones?

-Martha & Halliburton join forces and the teams have to create exploding flower arrangement. Proceeds go to the Bush Administration.
-Inspired by the Monty Python schetch "Crunchy Frog", the teams have to create Hors d'Oeuvres from small amphibians.
-The Teams have to have the perfect Tea Party. Trouble begins when only coffee cups can be found. Oh, the madness!
-The teams are challenged to break out of a minimum security jail (Club Fed). They are given tableware & flowers to accomplish their task.

Let's hope the winner does a hostile takover. Now that I would watch!

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