Thursday, August 17, 2006

15 Years to Life

Believe it or not, Wendy & I have been married 15 years today (August 17th). The old joke: If I would have killed my wife, I would be out today! But I'm glad I choose the alternative.

Looking back over the 15 years, we have shared many exciting moments, and many boring moments. Boring would be getting up at 5h15 AM every morning to clean a Zellers store. Funny thing is, we were newlyweds and we worked together, doing volunteer work together and pretty much being stuck together for 24 hours a day. Some thought we were crazy, but honestly, it was the best time. How can you have communication issues, when you both ear things at the same time, and not rely on the male brain to relay messages!

All in all, it was a great start to solidify the marriage. About 8 years later...we wondered what it would be like to have a baby. We spoke about it, not really committing, but took one chance - Boom - Breanna came. A short time later, we spoke about having a second, not really committing, but took one chance - Boom - Ryan came. That's what the baby boom is! We no longer talk about kids...

I remember arriving in Cancun on cheap plane tickets with no reservations for a hotel. We knew we wanted to go to Playa del Carmen, but did not know how we would get there. By chance, a group was gathering to share a small bus, and we made it by 3h00 am. Why not spend the night on the beach? So started our adventure, which turned out to be great.

Since the romance started in Cape Cod, we returned for our honeymoon (and for an anniversary). We were greeted with hurricane Bob. We woke up on the first day of our honeymoon by firemen - evacuating all to schools - a great place for newlywed intimacy. Fortunate for us, the owner of the house we rented let us stay at her house, further inland. We had a great time.

So, the last fifteen years had its ups and down - like all marriages, but worth the effort to hold on to.

Funny thing is, this month is the 15th year anniversary of the Internet. Could have married the Internet instead! But...I would be served SPAM every night for supper! No way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to both of you, but especially Wendy for putting up with you! ;-)